Being a mom is a tough job.......but I couldn't imagine life without the kids.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

#7 on my Bucket List...

7. I want to drink Guinness, at the proper temperature, in a tiny pub in Ireland.

Now that I have that out of the way, I want to recommend three books to you.

1) The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne
2) Milkweed by: Jerry Spinelli
3) The Help

Visit your local library, pick them up, make some tea and cuddle down. Be prepared to be swept back in time.

Happy reading.

What would you recommend I read next?


  1. I've got to mention a book I read over the holidays, becaus it really is not what I "typically" read, which is more what I call mainstream fiction (any variety, but usally mass produced by the big houses). It is called the Outlander, by a man, maybe Gils Adamson? It about the early 1900's and starts with a woman being chased by dogs and her husband's twin brother's after she had killed her husband. As grim as it sounds it was really gripping, and not as grim as I was afraid it may be, but more a frank re-telling of events, of which there are many.

    Another I have to mention that I really enjoy are Ayn Rand's books, particularly Atlas Shrugged. Although I should also mention that these are "good" for the way they have impacted the way that I think about life, rather than "good" because they are feel good books. I remember a few years back, a friend read this book over the summer and was like, I can't believe you liked it...especially knowing me. And I have to say I've read it more than once...:)

    I will definitely check out these titles. It is great to get some suggestions for good reading material. You and I usually enjoy similar books so I'm looking forward to adding these to my must read list.
