Being a mom is a tough job.......but I couldn't imagine life without the kids.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is Patriotism Dead?

I ask this question after a full week of rather focused observation. Spending time in a wide range of classrooms like I do, allows me to comment knowledgeably about this ritual of showing patriotism.

Here is what I have gleaned:

In a room with 6-8 colleagues, adults do not sing O' Canada. Some do not bother to stand up or cease conversation or computer work. In larger numbers, 15-30 colleagues, it takes a few adults singing before the rest will join in and half-heartedly at that. In a large crowd, adults will sing exuberantly if a sporting event is about to begin.

In a room of Grade 8 students, no one sings. In grades 4-7 students sing, scratch that, students mumble through the lyrics only if they are reminded by their teachers. Teachers who don't sing, despite reminding their students in the first place. In primary grades 2-3, students' voices harmonize beautifully along with their teachers as everyone is encouraged to participate. Who participates without hesitation or reminder? Grade one students. These little angels belt out the words, full volume, with the sincerity of saints.

This week, while conducting assessments in the Grade 1 hallway, I listened to these young Canadians show respect and honour their country. Why isn't this sense of patriotism fostered and nurtured as our students mature? Why does it seem to be squelched instead?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

#7 on my Bucket List...

7. I want to drink Guinness, at the proper temperature, in a tiny pub in Ireland.

Now that I have that out of the way, I want to recommend three books to you.

1) The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by: John Boyne
2) Milkweed by: Jerry Spinelli
3) The Help

Visit your local library, pick them up, make some tea and cuddle down. Be prepared to be swept back in time.

Happy reading.

What would you recommend I read next?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Five Star Holiday on a Budget

We're nearing the end of what I have officially dubbed the best holiday ever! Five Stars all the way, and it didn't cost me a month's salary and I didn't need to cram into my swimsuit. Several people will have maxed their credit cards in order to purchase a five star vacation package for some exotic destination this Christmas holiday. Not me. I stayed in the comfort of my home, with the people I love and did all the things I enjoy for the past two weeks.

It's been incredible! I'm not saying I wouldn't have enjoyed sun, sand and surf, but I certainly didn't need them to experience a peaceful, relaxing and fun-filled holiday. My new philosophy, one that I've been mulling over for about six months, is this: If I can't pay cash for something right now, I don't need it right now. Thankfully, nothing big has happened, no real emergencies, or my new philosophy might have been put to the test. But, there has been a new fridge, the twenty-four year old predecessor died. There was a furnace repair, a car tune-up and don't forget the Christmas shopping. I held fast to my new mantra. The best test was ensuring my children and I had a memorable holiday. We did!

Visits with family and friends, toboggan parties, free public skating, a movie night, pjs and a fire... the list goes on. Maybe one year we'll try an all inclusive, five star holiday in an exotic locale, but probably not. I don't think I could give up Christmas with my parents, my brother's family and my Grandma. They've all taught me to appreciate the comforts, nope scratch that, the luxuries of home.

How was your holiday?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Downfalls of Screen Time

Giggling echoed over the gently sloping hills that border the schoolyard, as my children and their friends tobogganed this afternoon. The crisp winter air and the endless trips up and down the hill painted round, rosy patches on their cheeks. It was a magical day.
An old fashioned play-date, one friend each for an entire afternoon and evening of fun. Lego, popcorn, Twister, tobogganing, hot chocolate and laughing. You'll notice that nowhere on that list did I include, video games, DS, Game-boy, X-Box, PS3, Wii, Tablets, Kindles, computers or Touches. No screens whatsoever! I'll admit to owning one 19 inch TV, a computer and a Wii, but my children are not obsessed with technology. They don't 'plug-in' every chance they get and as a result, they are still children.

As a Learning Support Teacher, I spend a large portion of my day coaching teachers around participation techniques. How can we teach curriculum in a way that engages students? It used to be that participation from our students was a given. Students were expected to focus and learn. Now, teachers are expected to constantly engage all of their students, all of the time. No pressure there... we're just competing with all those screens that flash, beep, and hold today's youth spellbound. The problem I see with too much technology is the tendency for youth to be drawn into a world so far removed from reality that when they do unplug, momentarily even, they struggle to communicate, focus and succeed in the real world.

The old fashion playing that happened in my home this afternoon is the norm for my family. I acknowledge that technology has a place in our world, our society and in our classrooms, but there must be a balance. Screens, remotes and keyboards will never replace whispering under the sheets of a dinning-room fort and they can't compete with the thrill of coasting down the hill on a toboggan with a friend. These childhood experiences must remain sacred.

And before you say it, yes I am aware that I'm posting my thoughts on my blog, using the same technology that I caution can intrude on our lives. The difference is, I'm going to unplug right now, instead of surfing the Net, reading gossip and rubbish. I'm going to snuggle down with a good book. A real book, with pages and a cover, not a Kindle, a Kobo or an E-reader, but a real book.

P.S. I might even dog-ear the page before I fall asleep. Don't tell the Librarian. Librarian? you ask. Don't even get me started on that...

Note To Self...

Never own a black haired dog/cat until black carpet and black baseboards are in style permanently!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bucket List To Date

As promised, I will share my 2012 bucket list as it stands right now. Funny enough, considering things I want to see and do has been rather entertaining over the last few days. Have a look at my list and see if it matches anything on your list.

1. To travel, by plane, somewhere out of country
2. Make a cheesecake
3. Fish on the Amazon River
4. Own a cottage in Northern Ontario
5. When I retire I want to own and run an antique store/tearoom
6. Re-learn how to skate

What's on your bucket list?

Help Wanted... Experienced Referee!

Ding, ding, ding... the bell sounds signaling the end of round #345.

I always look forward to extended vacations with my children and I think this is because I conveniently forget the fighting that inevitably happens. Don't get me wrong, they play beautifully most of the time, but when the peace talks breakdown and the cease fire crumbles, look out!

The older they get the more challenging it is to restore peace. By the time you listen to his side, her side and determine the truth, it is exhausting. I have tried letting them talk it out, letting them set their own consequences for the next time and I have tried instant banishment to time-out the moment there is the whisper of a battle brewing. In reflection, I have decided to quit my referee job (hence the job posting) as I know sibling squabbles are natural. Instead of intervening, I've decide to play mediator for my offspring. If anything, it will drive them batty and encourage them to move onto peaceful play. Well, until the next fight.

There are only a few days left of the holidays and I am determined to enjoy every moment. I'm retiring my black and white referee jersey and will put some serious thought into how much to charge for my mediation services.

I'll keep you posted as to how my new position turns out.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Out With The Old and In With The New

2012 is here and I have high hopes that it will be a dynamite year. I have many conversations with a close friend of mine about how the last 7 years have been rather challenging. We have decided that 2012 marks the end of this cycle and we are ready to embrace all the positive things it will bring.

The older I get, the faster time goes. While reminiscing about past New Year celebrations, I realized I was combining details from several different years. This must be a side effect of aging. This January does not signify the start of unrealistic resolutions and fade diets, but is does represent the birth of my bucket list. I know, this is nothing new as people have been talking about their bucket lists for years now. I think there is even a hollywood movie about this idea and a country song that reminds you to, "live like you are dying."

As I mull over this idea of recording the things I want to see and do in my lifetime, I will share them with you. I know travel, involving an airplane, will make the list for sure. I am more than a little embarrassed to admit that I'm 37 and have never flown on a plane. What about you, do you have a bucket list?

Why now, you may ask? The only thing I can think of is that 2012 is the start of a new cycle, a cycle that will bring many blessings. I'll let you know how it goes, because it is out with the old and in with the new! Don't worry, that doesn't include 'old' friends.

God Bless!