Being a mom is a tough job.......but I couldn't imagine life without the kids.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Did I Hear That Correctly?

Whether I am working with a class of Grade One students or just sitting at the dinner table with my own kiddos, I find myself amazed by what children say. In the split second before I crack up laughing after a priceless, off-hand comment I ask myself, "did I hear that correctly?"

Last night I had the pleasure of a quiet dinner with my parents. As my dad prepared to make hot chocolate for my children my daughter informed him, in her most serious voice, that he could ask her mom for the precise temperature to make the water! Despite my dad's good natured personality, even he struggled to suppress an eye-roll.

Today, while working with a unique bunch of first graders, I was teaching features of non-fiction texts (index, headings, diagrams etc.) One little angel interrupted the flow of my teaching with a rather loud emission of gas. With no trace of embarrassment, he excused himself amid the giggles of his classmates. Eager to get past the moment, I quietly explained that gas happens to everyone and that we appreciated his apology. Another little angel was determined to keep our attention focused on bodily functions and told me, with absolute certainty, that I was wrong, "toots don't happen to everybody Mrs. H! Girls never toot!" Before I could interject a red head with pigtails turned to him and declared, "We (girls) toot all the time, it's just that you (boys) never pay attention to us!" Before I knew it, we had a full-blown debate on our hands! Thankfully, there was another adult in the room or I don't think anyone would have believed me. I got them back on track eventually, but we were completely finished with non-fiction texts for the remainder of the day.

It is a good thing that I record these special moments. There have been a number of unforgettable quotes from my children and my students over the years. Whenever I need a 'pick-me-up' I leaf through my journals and revisit some of those great memories.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

One Miracle Down, One To Go

"Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be open unto you..."

I asked, well to be honest I pleaded and begged, but He answered. When you put your faith in our Creator you must accept that He will do what is best. I am so grateful that what I prayed for was part of His ultimate plan. So as I bow my head in praise and thankfulness I also find myself asking for the miracle of healing once more.

In a previous post I shared the story of two special members of my family in need of miracles. My 'person' has received hers. I cannot express to you the total relief I feel and I want that feeling for my mom. Her 'person' is battling cancer and we are praying for God's mercy.

Our Lord's power is infinite and I encourage you to lift up your prayers to Him. He is miraculous. Put your trust and faith in Him. I do.

God Bless!