Could someone explain to me why it is that whenever I am 'knee deep' into something around the house one of my offspring chooses that moment to holler, "MOOOOOOMMMMMMM?!"
You would think there was a robber, axe murderer and a creepy crawly all attacking en masse. But no, it's just a misplaced dinky car or a lost button. Talk about frustrating!
Yesterday, while battling with my twenty four year old oven (picture my nether region protruding from the depths of the oven as I kneel at a precarious angle and attempt to remove an element) I hear that call from the wild. What could possibly be the trouble now? Guess what? Child #1 is looking at Child #2. Can you believe the audacity? Looking at another human being, let the lynching begin! I think I turned every shade of purple known to man. But, you'd be proud, I said nothing. I simply stared at my offspring and they withered under my gaze. Lesson learned? Somehow I think not, but I remain hopeful. I'll keep you posted.
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