Being a mom is a tough job.......but I couldn't imagine life without the kids.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Loosing Teeth and Other 'Firsts'

I'm a little choked up today; my youngest just lost his first tooth. Talk about a big event in our house. First came the blood and the rinsing in the sink. Next, the hours spent staring in the mirror and poking his tongue through the gap. After that, we had to write to the Tooth Fairy requesting the privilege to keep this pearly white baby tooth. So why am I sentimental? I guess I am thankful I was there to see it (to pull it out, if the truth be told.) I could have been in a meeting, teaching a class or driving home from work, but I was granted an audience at the loss of my son's first tooth. So many 'firsts' are witnessed by someone other than a working mom. So many times we have to smile and pretend we're not crushed that we missed yet another of these special moments. At the end of it all, I'm sure we're the only ones keeping score. No one else remembers if we were there for the 'first tooth moments.' No one else beats us up over our absence. Why do we?


  1. I love your blog. And even though I am looking forward to being 'child free' in a couple of months, I remember many of these special moments. I honestly can't remember who did what and when and I quite often get them mixed up. It really doesn't matter if you aren't there for all of them. You make the most of the time you have together and treasure everything you can. This blog is a wonderful way of doing it. R

  2. Rose-Mary

    Thank you for your comment and your kind words. As you are an experienced mom, I appreciate your insight.
